Have you ever said, “ I want to learn how to do the RIGHT things in my business for where I’m at right now?”

You’re doing all the things to grow your online coaching business, but you don’t know what to do next to take it to the next level. This is a common problem that many business owners face. They work hard but don’t have a clear plan for where they want their business to go.

In this video, I’ll share my top 3 tips for when you don’t know what to do next in your business. These tips will help you get unstuck so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.

The blog is below…

Running a coaching business can be challenging, especially when you’re just starting out or shifting industries. There are a lot of moving parts, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If you’re feeling unsure and don’t know what to do next, here are some steps you can take.

Tip #1: Define Your Ideal Outcome

The first step is to define your ideal outcome. When you know where you want to go it’s easier to get unstuck and craft a plan to help you get there. Answer these questions…

  • What are the professional goals that you want to achieve through your coaching business?
  • What does success look like for you?
  • How will you know when you’ve reached it?
  • What are your priorities, and how can your coaching business align with them?
  • How much time do you want to spend working on your coaching business per day/week/month?
  • What specific changes can you make to your coaching business to create a better work-life balance?

Answering these questions will help you get clear on what you want and why you want it.

This clarity is essential for helping you to take action toward your goals. Without it, you’ll only be guessing what to do next and spinning your wheels without making any progress.

Tip #2: Make a List of Everything You’ve Already Done

The second tip is to make a list of everything you’ve already done. This may seem pointless, but it can be very revealing and does 2 things.

  1. Seeing all of the progress you’ve made and celebrating your wins can give you the internal motivation and confidence you need to keep going.

I learned this performance mindset tactic in 2005 when I first went through The Pacific Institute’s program. Writing your wins down, no matter how small, gives your brain a dopamine boost (that feelgood chemical)

  1. It also allows you to see where there are gaps in your knowledge or skills so that you can focus on areas that need improvement.

After making a list of everything you’ve already done, closely examine where the gaps in your knowledge or skills lie. This helps you to get laser focused!

Are there certain areas where you feel less confident or less knowledgeable? Identifying these gaps is the first step in addressing them.

Once you’ve identified the gaps in your knowledge or skills, seek out resources to help fill them. This might include books, online courses, webinars, or working with a mentor or coach who specializes in the areas where you need improvement.

Practice, practice, practice: Learning new skills or knowledge is one thing, but putting them into practice is another. As you acquire new knowledge or skills, make sure you’re practicing them regularly so that they become second nature.

Remember that learning is an ongoing process.

Be curious and open to new ideas and approaches, even if they challenge your existing beliefs or ways of doing things. Being willing to learn and grow is key to success as a business owner and can help you continually improve your business and better serve your clients.

TIP #3: Create a Roadmap

Once you know where you’re going, it’s time to create a roadmap for how to get there. This doesn’t have to be complicated; a simple step-by-step plan will do.

Your roadmap should include the four main areas of your business:

>>BRAND: Your niche, what problems they are trying to solve and your unique message to attract your ideal clients.

>>REVENUE: Your offer ladder starting with a lead magnet or micro offer to meet your audience where they are at in their journey and budget.

>>MARKETING: A repeatable process to consistently build your authority and bring new leads into your world.

>>SYSTEMS: The processes that save you time so you can focus on income-producing activities


PRIORITIZE in order of importance and REVERSE engineer your actions according to your timeline.

Having a plan will help you move closer to your ideal outcome. This may seem obvious, but it’s often the hardest part. Once you have a plan, it’s time to execute it. But taking action can be scary, especially if you’re not sure what the outcome will be. That’s why starting small and building momentum as you go is important. Remember, every step forward is progress. And as long as you keep moving, eventually, you’ll reach your destination.

P.S. For additional tips, resources and AI prompts to help you make an impact with your brand, your offers, and the funnel you need to close the gap to get more clients online, get on my email list…










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