You’ve probably heard it a million times by now—you need to build an email list if you want more potential clients to talk to. And you get it. The idea of having an audience you can communicate with directly sounds amazing. 

But there’s one problem: when it comes to writing that first email sequence to welcome new subscribers, you get stuck.

I hear you! Figuring out what to say can be overwhelming. 

That’s where a juicy lead magnet comes in. It’s less work than a weekly newsletter, especially if emailing your list consistently hasn’t been at the top of your to-do list.

A valuable lead magnet entices people to join your list, and once they’ve signed up, it’s up to you to guide them from interested subscriber to engaged follower. This is where the welcome email sequence comes in—it’s a simple, yet powerful way to build trust and get your new subscribers excited about what’s to come.

And guess what? You don’t have to do this alone. 

ChatGPT is like having your very own assistant who helps you draft that perfect welcome sequence. With the right prompt, ChatGPT can help you craft a 3-part email series that gets the ball rolling and helps you deliver your lead magnet smoothly.

But here’s the key: 

  1. You need to be clear about who your audience is
  2. What tone you want to use, and…
  3. What specific problem your lead magnet solves

The more details you give ChatGPT, the better your email sequence will be. Treat ChatGPT like your assistant—tell it exactly what you want, and don’t be afraid to tweak the results. 

Let’s dive into the prompts you can use!

ChatGPT Prompts to Write Your 3-Email Welcome Sequence

Email 1: Deliver the Lead Magnet and Set Expectations

The first email in your sequence is all about delivering the lead magnet and letting your new subscriber know what’s next. It’s like the first impression—so make it count! Here’s the prompt you can use:

ChatGPT Prompt:
“Please help me write a welcome email to deliver my lead magnet. My audience is [describe your target audience]. The lead magnet I am offering is [describe your lead magnet]. The tone of the email should be [describe the tone—e.g., friendly, professional, casual]. In this email, I want to deliver the lead magnet and let them know what to expect from being on my list. Here are some additional details that might help: [any other relevant info about your brand or message].”

Email 2: Share an Extra Tip (Not in the Lead Magnet)

The second email should continue to build trust by providing additional value—something helpful that wasn’t in the lead magnet. This keeps them engaged and shows you’re here to provide even more than they expected. Here’s the ChatGPT prompt for this email:

ChatGPT Prompt:
“Please help me write the second email in my welcome sequence. This email should provide an extra tip that wasn’t included in my lead magnet. My audience is [describe your target audience], and the tone should be [describe tone—e.g., friendly, expert, supportive]. The goal of this email is to offer additional value and keep them engaged with my content. Here are some ideas for the tip I’d like to share: [provide ideas or let ChatGPT create a suggestion].”

Email 3: Check-In and Encourage Action

In the third email, it’s time to make sure your lead magnet isn’t collecting dust in their inbox. You want to check in with them, see how they’re using it, and give a gentle nudge to take action. Here’s the prompt for that:

ChatGPT Prompt:
“Please help me write the third email in my welcome sequence. The goal of this email is to check in with my audience and see how they’re using the lead magnet to solve their problem. My audience is [describe your target audience], and I want the tone to be [describe tone—e.g., motivating, caring, conversational]. Encourage them to take action on the content they received and ask how it’s helping them in [insert relevant area—e.g., business, health, mindset]. Here are some other details that may be helpful: [provide any extra context or insights].”

The Key to Success? Personalization

The more specific you get with your prompts, the better ChatGPT can tailor the emails to your brand and audience. Play around with different details, and feel free to tweak the output. If something doesn’t feel right, go back and adjust the prompt. The more you personalize it, the more effective your welcome sequence will be.

Now that you’ve got the tools to write your welcome email sequence, get started today! Deliver your lead magnet, build trust, and nurture those new subscribers into potential clients.

Are you looking more insights on email list building? Check out How to Build Your Email List for Lead Generation in 6 Easy Steps


And….If you’re ready to amplify your online authority AND add hundreds of subscribers to your email list and get more leads (in a month) without launches, Facebook ads, or relying on social media…

Join the Visibility Builders Society! The system works even if you have a small audience or haven’t created an offer yet!


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Grab the Ultimate Lead Magnet Formula for FREE! Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet Your Audience Will Actually Want To Sign Up For + a Canva template

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