Ever feel like your income is tied to the clock, and the only way to make more is to work more? When you’re constantly trading time for money, your income is limited by how many hours you can work. This leaves many online business owners hustling non-stop, trying to squeeze out more revenue without burning out.

Here’s the good news: creating an online course gives you a way out. With an online course, you stop trading time for dollars and can scale your business like crazy! The result? You help more people, earn more income, and reclaim your time. If starting a new income stream feels daunting, don’t worry. Follow these eight simple steps to create a course that meets your audience’s needs and takes your business to the next level.

Step 1: Identify One Specific Person in Your Target Audience

To create an effective course, you need to be crystal clear on who it’s for. Think of one ideal client—your perfect-fit audience member. To fully understand them, dive into both demographics and psychographics:

  • Demographics:
    • Age, gender, profession, location
    • Education level and income
    • Family structure (e.g., single, married, parent)
  • Psychographics:
    • Personality and mindset: Are they optimistic, analytical, risk-averse, or adventurous?
    • Motivations: What drives them to make changes or pursue personal growth?
    • Frustrations and fears: What keeps them up at night? What are they worried will happen if they don’t take action?
    • Interests and Needs:
    • What problem or frustration are they desperate to solve?

The more specific you are, the easier it becomes to design a course that feels tailor-made for your audience. A deep understanding of their emotional triggers helps you create content that resonates and addresses both surface-level frustrations and deeper needs. Remember: Your course isn’t for everyone—it’s for someone.

Step 2: Look for Gaps in Your Niche

The best online courses solve problems no one else is solving—or solve them better. To find your angle, ask:

  • What frustrations do clients or prospects often express?
  • Are there gaps in competitor offerings?
  • What conversations are happening in groups, forums, or reviews?

Identifying these gaps helps you offer something unique and positions your course as a solution that stands out in the market.

Step 3: Define the Transformation You’ll Deliver

Every successful course promises a clear transformation—where your students will be after completing it. Ask yourself:

  • Before: Where are your students starting?
  • After: What will they have, know, or feel by the end?

The clearer you are about the transformation, the more compelling your course will be. This transformation is what drives enrollment—it’s what people will pay for.

Step 4: Brainstorm and Structure Your Content

Start with a brain dump—write down everything you could teach related to your course. Don’t overthink it, just get it all out. Then follow these steps:

  • Organize ideas into themes or modules.
  • Eliminate non-essentials that don’t contribute to the promised transformation.
  • Save extras as bonuses—students love having access to helpful extras.

This ensures your course content is streamlined, practical, and focused on delivering the promised outcome.

Step 5: Research Your Offer 

Before you create your course, validating your idea with real people is essential. Here are two ways to do this:

  1. Host conversations with individuals from your target audience. Ask about their struggles, what solutions they’ve tried, and what they still need.
  2. Offer a free workshop to test your messaging and see if it attracts the right people. Use this as an opportunity to collect feedback on your content and identify any gaps.

The goal isn’t to fill the room but to gather valuable insights from a small group. This feedback ensures your course idea aligns with your audience’s needs and helps you refine your messaging before you invest time creating it.

Step 6: Build Interest

Now that you’ve refined your idea, it’s time to build a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free resource that attracts potential customers and grows your email list. It should solve a specific, small problem your audience cares about.

Here are a few lead magnet ideas:

  • A free checklist or guide
  • A mini email course or video training
  • A downloadable template or tool

A well-designed lead magnet builds trust and gets your audience excited about the transformation your course will offer.

Step 7: Create Your Course

Once you’ve validated your idea and built interest with your lead magnet, it’s time to create your course. Follow these steps:

  1. Develop your modules and lessons. Keep them concise and focused on the transformation.
  2. Create supporting materials like worksheets, templates, or quizzes.
  3. Record video lessons or design slide presentations, depending on your preferred teaching style.
  4. Upload everything to a course platform such as Teachable, Thinkific, Kajabi (or my favorite – FG Funnels).

Don’t worry about making everything perfect on your first try—your course will evolve with feedback.

Step 8: Market Your Course

Now it’s time to get your course in front of the right audience. Here are a few ways to promote it:

  • Email Campaigns: Use your lead magnet to nurture subscribers and introduce your course.
  • Collaborations: Partner with other business owners for bundles or guest appearances to expand your reach.
  • Social Media or Blog Content: Share sneak peeks, testimonials, and insights to build excitement.

Focus on relationship-based marketing—building trust with your audience and positioning your course as the solution they’ve been searching for.

Turn Knowledge into Income

Creating an online course can feel overwhelming, but by following these eight steps, you’ll build a course that meets your audience’s needs and generates consistent revenue for your business. With the right course, you’ll stop trading time for money, help more people, and grow your business sustainably.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to research, create, and launch your course. Your future self—and your bank account—will thank you.

If you’re ready to amplify your online presence and add hundreds of subscribers (potential leads) to your email list in a month without launches, paid ads or posting on social media…..check out the Visibility Builders Society!


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