by joycelayman | online coaching business, business, content marketing, email marketing, marketing
Ever heard the phrase, “Email marketing is dead”? Well, if you have, and you believe it, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Just kidding! But seriously, this belief is as outdated as thinking bell bottoms were a one-time fashion statement. Spoiler alert:...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, coaching, coaching offers, niche, offers
You’ve got this incredible coaching offer (or you may have two), but it feels like it’s not attracting the right clients. So how do you make your offer names stand out in a sea of online sameness? Good news – crafting offer titles is not hard. With the...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, coaching, coaching offers, niche, offers
Are you struggling to be heard in a crowded online market? It could be that you’re trying to appeal to everyone instead of the clients who need you the most. Here’s a truth bomb – trying to cater to everyone can leave you stretched thin, and guess what? Your message...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, email marketing, lead magnet
Let’s talk email lists. You’ve heard it before, right? “Build your list!” But here’s the thing—it’s not just about having a list. It’s about creating a community of perfect-fit clients who trust you, engage with your content, and are excited to hear from you. ...
by joycelayman | networking, business, community, online coaching business
You’ve probably heard that strategic connections can skyrocket your coaching business. But…it can be tough to break through the noise and make worthwhile connections. Everyone is busy; sometimes, knowing who the best connections are for YOUR business is...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, business, content marketing, email marketing, marketing
Is it possible to be visible online without constantly posting on social media? Many coaches face this challenge, but don’t worry – I’ve got a solution! In this video, I’ll share seven proven strategies to boost your business without social media...