by joycelayman | online coaching business, business, Mindset, offers, planning
If you’ve watched the news in the last six months, you’ve probably heard talk of a recession. Uncertainty can cause stress, but it can also be a great opportunity to grow your online coaching business. Read on to learn five easy steps you can take right...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, lead magnet, offers, REVENUE
You’ve heard that you need to create a free offer, but you’re not sure what it should be or how to use it to get clients interested in your services. You’ve seen other online experts offering free offers and getting great results, so why can’t...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, client clarity, coaching, coaching offers, offers, sales
As a coach, you know that crafting signature offers is key to standing out from the competition and generating more revenue. But with all the conflicting information from the online gurus it, what should those offers look like? How can you be sure that they’ll be...
by joycelayman | business, client clarity, coaching, coaching offers, niche, offers, online coaching business
Starting a new income stream for your online business coaching can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these five simple steps, you can effectively create a new income stream that is tailored to your target audience and their...
by joycelayman | attract clients online, lead magnet, offers, sales
You’ve Heard You Need a Lead Magnet… But What Happens Next? You know you need a lead magnet if you want to grow your coaching business. You’ve probably even thought about creating one—maybe a quick checklist, a resource guide, or a mini-training. But then...
by joycelayman | funnels, lead magnet, messaging, niche, offers
You know you need to be online if you want to attract your ideal clients. But maybe you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and not quite sure where to start. Or, maybe you’ve been trying some things, but they’re just not working like you want them to....