by joycelayman | networking, business, community, online coaching business
You’ve probably heard that strategic connections can skyrocket your coaching business. But…it can be tough to break through the noise and make worthwhile connections. Everyone is busy; sometimes, knowing who the best connections are for YOUR business is...
by joycelayman | entrepreneurship, networking, relationships, sales
Developing powerful partnerships is a great way to increase your visibility and have a ‘sales force’ to market your business, but it’s not always clear how to go about it. Knowing where to start when looking for a partnership can be tough. You might...
by joycelayman | attract clients online, client clarity, coaching, networking, planning
It’s not always easy to get dream clients, even if you’ve put in all the work to build your business. You could spend hours posting on every social network, or hiring a PR team for months and still not see any results. But what if there was a way to get...
by joycelayman | business, networking, relationships
As human beings, we like to think that the time we put into networking is worth something. Day in and day out, the effort of making connections has us bouncing from event to event. It seems like all we do is attend networking events, but where is our ROI (return on...