by joycelayman | coaching, entrepreneurship, goals, Mindset, planning
You want to get better results, but you don’t know how. You may feel like you’re stuck in a rut and that you can’t seem to break out of your current patterns. Most people try to make a big change in their mindset all at once, and then they quickly...
by joycelayman | business, confidence, marketing, messaging, Mindset, success
Public speaking is one of the most common fears, and for good reason. It’s nerve-wracking to get up in front of a group of people and talk. Going live on social can cause the same reaction because not only do you have to worry about what you’re going to...
by joycelayman | entrepreneurship, fun, health, inspiration, Mindset
Does this sound familiar? You’re always busy, and never seem to have enough time for the things you really want to do—like spending time with family and friends. It feels like you’re always behind schedule, constantly juggling work and life, with zero room for FUN....
by joycelayman | attitude, confidence, inspiration, Mindset
Lack of confidence is one of the biggest reasons people don’t achieve their goals. Confidence is key to success in any area of life, but it’s something that many people struggle with. In this post, I’ll share 3 Keys to Unlock Unshakeable Confidence....
by joycelayman | attitude, business, choices, Mindset, self talk
If you’ve been on social media at all this week, then you’ve probably seen posts about what some are calling the greatest playoff game in NFL history between the Kansas City Chiefs and Buffalo Bills. The first 58 minutes few will remember. But then…25 points were...
by joycelayman | attitude, choices, inspiration, Mindset
The world has been an unpredictable place for a while. As a business owner, this means you have more to juggle personally and professionally. You may have had a few pivots (and overused word but true) along the way. In case you need a reminder… There are no...