by joycelayman | business, coaching, lead generation, lead magnet, offers
Ever feel like you’re doing all the things but still struggling to attract clients online? You’ve tried posting on social media (constantly) and writing blogs in hopes of adding subscribers to your email list—but besides a few likes and comments, it doesn’t feel like...
by joycelayman | business, client clarity, coaching, coaching offers, niche, offers, online coaching business
Ever feel like your income is tied to the clock, and the only way to make more is to work more? When you’re constantly trading time for money, your income is limited by how many hours you can work. This leaves many online business owners hustling non-stop, trying to...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, coaching, coaching offers, niche, offers
You’ve got this incredible coaching offer (or you may have two), but it feels like it’s not attracting the right clients. So how do you make your offer names stand out in a sea of online sameness? Good news – crafting offer titles is not hard. With the...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, coaching, coaching offers, niche, offers
Are you struggling to be heard in a crowded online market? It could be that you’re trying to appeal to everyone instead of the clients who need you the most. Here’s a truth bomb – trying to cater to everyone can leave you stretched thin, and guess what? Your message...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, action, business, coaching, confidence, goals
Have you ever said, “ I want to learn how to do the RIGHT things in my business for where I’m at right now?” You’re doing all the things to grow your online coaching business, but you don’t know what to do next to take it to the next level. This is a...
by joycelayman | online coaching business, client clarity, coaching, coaching offers, offers, sales
As a coach, you know that crafting signature offers is key to standing out from the competition and generating more revenue. But with all the conflicting information from the online gurus it, what should those offers look like? How can you be sure that they’ll be...