by joycelayman | attract clients online, coaching offers, launch, offers
You are probably seeing ‘how to launch a group coaching program’ all over social media. Unfortunately, a lot of it is misleading which will leave you frustrated after trying to implement all the things if you attempt to launch too soon.But if you say, isn’t group...
by joycelayman | content marketing, marketing, niche, trends
Let’s start with the big question: Are trends worth following? Or are they a waste of time? Trends are trends for a reason. For something to be a trend it must hit on 3 things: Entertainment: laughing, crying, etc. Relatability: most people can see themselves or...
by joycelayman | attract clients online, client clarity, coaching, networking, planning
It’s not always easy to get dream clients, even if you’ve put in all the work to build your business. You could spend hours posting on every social network, or hiring a PR team for months and still not see any results. But what if there was a way to get...
by joycelayman | client clarity, coaching, coaching offers, offers
With so many free and paid offers one is bombarded with regularly, it’s easy to get confused about (or overwhelmed) which offer is the best one to meet your potential clients where they are at. If you’re trying to educate your target audience on random things...
by joycelayman | branding, content marketing, marketing, sales, social media
It seems like everywhere you look online, people are talking about content marketing. And for good reason! Content is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and convert them into customers. Most business owners I talk to don’t know where to start...
by joycelayman | business, community, goals, planning, relationships
You’ve probably heard a lot of different definitions for success, and it can be tough to know what really matters. It’s easy to get bogged down by all the conflicting advice out there. What does it mean to be successful? How do you achieve success? The 5...
by joycelayman | branding, content marketing, relationships
Telling your story is one of the most authentic ways to build a connection with your audience and potential clients. Stories are powerful tools for fostering trust, and they play a key role in attraction marketing—the practice of drawing in your ideal clients by...