You know you need to be online if you want to attract your ideal clients. But maybe you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and not quite sure where to start. Or, maybe you’ve been trying some things, but they’re just not working like you want them to. If that’s the case, then this blog post is for you!

Today, I’m going to share with you one of the best ways to attract your ideal clients online: using lead magnets. A lead magnet is a free piece of content you offer in exchange for someone’s contact information. It can be something like an ebook, a checklist, a mini course, or even just a helpful blog post.

The key is to make sure that your lead magnet is relevant and useful to your ideal client. That way, when they sign up for it, they’ll be one step closer to becoming your paying customer. So let’s dive in and take a look at 3 types of lead magnets that attract your ideal clients online.

1. Checklists

Checklists are an awesome lead magnet because they’re quick and easy to consume. Your checklist should be specific and focused on one topic that is relevant to your ideal client. For example, if you’re a wellness coach who helps busy women eat healthy on the go, then your checklist could be called “The Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Busy Women.”

Not sure where to start? Think of the tools or resources your ideal clients need when they begin working with you. Provide them with the best free options and then the best paid options available and how to get them. No matter what your client’s budget is, they will see you as a resource to help them on their path to transformation.

Another great thing about checklists is that they can be evergreen, which means you can create them once and use them over and over again to attract new leads. Just make sure to promote them regularly on social media and in your email marketing campaigns.

PRO TIP: Canva PRO is my favorite tool for creating lead magnets, coaching program guides, workbooks for free workshops and of course, social content too. If you want to create a new checklist, simply copy the old one to save the formatting and then edit the images and content. 

Just make sure to promote them regularly on social media and in your email marketing campaigns.

2. Mini Courses

Mini-courses are another great type of lead magnet because they offer more value than something like a checklist. They also tend to convert better because people feel like they’re getting more bang for their buck.

A mini-course typically consists of 3-5 modules or lessons that teach your ideal client how to do something related to your business. For example, if you help people start their own businesses, your mini-course could be called “How to Start Your Own Business in 5 Steps.”

Like checklists, mini-courses can be evergreen as well. You can create them once and then use them over and over again as a way to attract new leads into your business. And again, don’t forget to promote them regularly on social media and in your email marketing campaigns!

3. Helpful Blog Posts

Helpful blog posts are a great way to show your ideal clients that you are an expert in your field without asking for anything in return. 

To create a helpful blog post lead magnet, you need to find a pain point that your ideal client is struggling with and then write a blog post that offers helpful advice on how they can overcome it. For example, if you help people with their productivity, you could write a blog post titled “5 Tips for Staying Productive When You Work from Home.” 

When promoting helpful blog posts as lead magnets, make sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each post that invites people to sign up for access to the full post (or another valuable piece of content). And again, don’t forget social media and email marketing!

Lead magnets are an essential part of attracting your ideal clients online. But there’s more than one way To create an effective lead magnet; you need To make sure it’s relevant to your audience and provides real value that will help them solve their problem or accomplish their goal. By using one or more Of these types of lead magnets, you can attract more qualified leads into your business than ever before!

So what are YOU waiting for? It’s time to create and promote your lead magnet today!

Not sure where to start? Grab my Lead Magnet Quick Start Guide and Canva Template.


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