Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels, promoting your offers to an audience that just doesn’t seem to bite? Maybe you’ve watched others sell out their programs and wondered, “What am I missing?” It’s tempting to wish for a magic wand or hope that building your offer will automatically bring the clients knocking on your virtual door.

While it does take effort (sorry, no magic wands), there is good news: Attraction marketing makes bringing in new clients much easier. Attraction marketing isn’t some “woo-woo” law of attraction. It’s the strategy of positioning yourself as the authority in your space, differentiating from the competition, and creating content that speaks directly to your ideal clients. The result? Your perfect-fit clients come to you—without feeling like you’re burning out on social media.

Let’s dive into 7 ways to make this happen:

1. Start with Clarity

If you’re struggling to attract clients, it’s time to revisit the basics: who you are, who you serve, and what problems you solve. Brand clarity means knowing exactly what you stand for and who you’re talking to. Without it, you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. Not ideal, right?

To stand out and attract the right clients, get clear on these key points:

  • What you do
  • Who your business serves (your ideal client)
  • What your ideal clients want (their goals)
  • Their current struggles (pain points)
  • How your offer helps them (transformation)

Your messaging needs to speak directly to the person who is right for your offer. Remember, a confused mind doesn’t buy. So, if your message isn’t laser-focused, potential clients will move on. Revisit your messaging regularly to make sure it’s still aligned with your growth and goals.

2. Establish Your Brand

Building a brand doesn’t have to be complicated. At its core, your brand is simply how you present yourself to the world—and more importantly, to your ideal clients. The goal is to create a consistent and recognizable presence that speaks directly to the people you want to attract.

Start by considering where your ideal clients hang out online. Is it Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn? If you’re not sure, think about what platforms they’re most likely to use based on their interests and behaviors. You don’t need to be on every platform at once—just pick one or two to start with, and focus on showing up consistently.

For those who are further along, a simple 3-page website can make a huge difference in how you’re perceived. Your website doesn’t need to be fancy or complex. All you need are three basic pages:

  • Home: A quick introduction to who you are and how you help your clients.
  • About: Share a little more about your journey and why you’re passionate about what you do.
  • Offers: Explain how people can work with you, including a clear call-to-action (like booking a call or purchasing a service).

Next, make sure your branding is consistent across all platforms. This means having the same bio, similar profile photos, and a clear message everywhere someone might encounter you. When your message and look are aligned, it helps people recognize and remember you, no matter where they find you.

Pro tip: A professional-looking headshot can make a huge impact on how seriously potential clients take you. If you don’t have one yet, it’s worth investing in or finding a local photographer who can help you capture the right look.

3. Get Visible

You can’t attract clients if they don’t know you exist. Visibility is everything. Your visibility strategy is what allows you to get in front of new audiences, nurture relationships with your current followers, and ultimately sell your offers.

But the good news? There are multiple ways to get visible that don’t require burning yourself out posting all day on social media.

First, think about where your ideal clients already are. Are they scrolling through Instagram? Searching for advice on Pinterest? Listening to podcasts while they drive? Once you figure out where they’re spending their time, you can develop a strategy to meet them where they are.

Here’s a simple breakdown of visibility options:

  • Instagram: Great for quick, engaging content like Stories and Reels.
  • Facebook: Ideal if you want to build a group
  • Pinterest: Perfect if you create blogs so potential clients can take a deeper dive
  • LinkedIn: Ideal for connecting with professionals and growing your brand
  • Blogs, YouTube, or Podcasts: Great for building authority and sharing long-form content.
  • Your email list: One of the most effective ways to connect with your audience directly. If you haven’t started building an email list yet, this should be a top priority (more on that below).
  • Collaborating with others’ audiences: Guest blogging, podcast interviews, or participating in bundles are fast ways to reach new people.

If you’re just getting started, choose one or two platforms to focus on. As you grow, you can expand to other platforms or even start leveraging audiences by doing guest posts, interviews, or collaborations. This strategy helps you tap into someone else’s established audience, which is a faster way to grow your own following.

It’s good to review your marketing strategy every six months. What’s working and what needs to be tweaked for more impact.

4. Establish Your Authority

In the crowded online space, it’s not enough just to be visible—you also need to build trust and position yourself as an authority in your field. This doesn’t mean you need to have decades of experience or a massive following. What it does mean is that you need to showcase your expertise and give potential clients a reason to trust you.

One of the best ways to build authority is through lead magnets—free resources that solve a specific problem for your ideal client. This could be a checklist, guide, worksheet, or short video training that provides immediate value. By offering something helpful upfront, you demonstrate your expertise and start building a relationship with potential clients.

Here’s a simple formula for creating a lead magnet:

  1. Identify one small but significant problem your ideal client is facing.
  2. Create a solution that’s easy to consume (think short and actionable).
  3. Offer it for free in exchange for their email address (more on this in the next section).

From there, you can nurture these new subscribers by offering more value and sharing how your paid services can help them take the next step.

Hosting free workshops or live trainings on a niche-specific topic is another great way to establish authority. These events don’t have to be fancy—just pick a topic that solves a problem, show up live (via Zoom or social media), and walk your audience through a quick win. The goal is to build trust by giving them a taste of your expertise.

5. Create Authentic Connections

My friend and mentor, Bob Burg (author of The Go-Giver and Endless Referrals), says, All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.”

And in the online world, where connections can feel distant, it’s more important than ever to build authentic relationships with your audience.

One of the best ways to do this is by sharing your personal story. Chances are, your ideal client is a past version of yourself. They’re facing challenges you’ve already overcome, and they’re looking for someone who understands their struggles. When you share your own journey—your wins, your struggles, your “aha” moments—you create a connection that goes beyond business.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Whether you’re sharing behind-the-scenes moments from your day, funny stories, or oh-shit moments along the way, your audience will connect with your authenticity. This helps them see you as more than just a “brand”—you’re a real person who understands where they’re coming from.

Remember: People don’t just buy products or services—they buy relationships. The more genuine connections you build, the more trust you’ll create, and that’s what leads to clients.

6. Show Up Consistently

Consistency is key in any business, especially when you’re just getting started. Your ideal clients aren’t mind readers—they won’t know what you offer or how you can help them unless you show up regularly and tell them.

This doesn’t mean you need to sell every single day. In fact, selling should feel like a natural part of your content—not a hard push. Think of it like this: You’re providing value, value, value… and then you make an offer. That offer could be as simple as inviting them to download your free guide, follow you on Instagram, or book a discovery call.

One important thing to remember is that only a small percentage of your audience is ready to buy at any given time (about 3%). That’s why it’s important to make offers consistently—whether that’s promoting your lead magnet, a low-ticket offer, or your main service.

Here’s a simple rule: Show up every day in some way. Whether it’s through an Instagram post, an email, or a quick story on Facebook, the key is to keep reminding your audience that you’re there and ready to help. They won’t all see every piece of content, so repetition is key!


7. Deliver a Memorable Client Experience

Finally, let’s talk about what happens after someone becomes a client. Standing out in the online world doesn’t end with the sale—the client experience is where you truly shine and build long-term relationships.

Whether you deliver a digital product, run a group program, or work 1:1 with clients, every interaction should make them feel valued and supported.

  • For digital products, ensure a smooth, seamless purchase process. From automated delivery to follow-up emails that provide extra value, everything should be easy and flawless. 
  • For group programs, communication is key. Make sure clients know how to access materials, where the community lives (whether it’s a Facebook group or Slack), and when live sessions are happening. 
  • For private coaching, start with a personal onboarding call to set expectations, communicate regularly, and follow up even after your work together ends.

No matter the offer, the goal is to make every client feel taken care of and to create an experience that leaves them eager to work with you again or refer you to others. 

By creating a client experience that goes above and beyond, you not only create happy clients, but you also build a network of people who will refer you to others—and that’s one of the best ways to grow your business!

Building a business doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a clear brand, visible presence, and authentic connections, you’ll draw the right people to you—and build a business that doesn’t rely on social media burnout. 

Start by implementing one or two of these strategies this week, and you’ll see the difference in how your audience responds.


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