Let’s get real…

You know email marketing is critical for your coaching business, but let me guess—you’re hesitating. You’ve probably heard all the advice about “building your list” and “engaging with your audience,” but the thought of actually writing those emails? It’s enough to make anyone freeze.

But here’s the thing – every day you delay is another day your potential clients don’t hear from you. If you’re stuck, unsure what to say, and worried about sounding like everyone else, don’t sweat it. I’ve got a foolproof way to get your emails opened and keep your audience coming back for more.

It all starts with strategic email sequences designed to grab attention and build curiosity—so you can focus on what you do best: helping your clients transform their lives.


Let’s break down five powerful sequences to get your emails opened and read, without feeling like you’re shouting into the void.

1. The Welcome Sequence: Your First Impression Matters

When someone subscribes to your list, this is your chance to make a stellar first impression. A well-crafted welcome sequence sets the tone for the relationship. Here’s a breakdown of a five-part series to keep them engaged:

  • Email 1: Your Type of Success Starts Here
    Let them know what’s possible for them—set the stage for transformation.
  • Email 2: Here’s Something That Might Surprise You
    Share an unexpected fact or insight about their journey.
  • Email 3: Here’s How to Get Good Results
    Deliver quick wins and practical advice—they’ll appreciate the value.
  • Email 4: You Might Get Mad When You Read This
    Agitate a common mistake they’re making, and offer a solution.
  • Email 5: You Have Questions, We Have Answers
    End with an open line of communication and FAQs to build trust.

2. Gain Logic Fear Sequence: Hit All the Right Triggers

This sequence is about balancing benefits, logic, and a little bit of fear to encourage action. Here’s how you can use it to drive decisions:

  • Email 1: Here’s How to Get [a Benefit]
    Lead with the benefit to show how your offer solves their problem.
  • Email 2: Does This Make Any Sense to You?
    Appeal to their logic and break down how it works in their favor.
  • Email 3: It’s a Scary Thought
    Introduce a subtle fear of missing out or staying stuck in their problem.
  • Email 4: The Results Are In
    Share proof, testimonials, or case studies to validate your points.
  • Email 5: Don’t Miss Out
    Close with urgency to push them to take action before it’s too late.

3. Segmentation Sequence: Know Your Audience Better

This sequence helps you get to know your audience better and tailor future emails to their specific needs. It’s all about asking the right questions.

  • Email 1: You Don’t Want to Miss This
    Create curiosity around the value of engaging with you.
  • Email 2: Could You Do Me a Quick Favor, Please?
    Ask for a small task (e.g., clicking a link) to start segmenting.
  • Email 3: Which of These Problems Do You Have?
    Give them options so you can understand their challenges better.
  • Email 4: Attention [Type of Niche Members]
    Speak directly to the niche, making them feel seen and heard.
  • Email 5: What’s Your Most Pressing Problem?
    Wrap it up by digging deeper into their pain points.

4. Re-Engagement Sequence: Get Them Back on Board

Inactive subscribers? No problem. This sequence reactivates your audience by reminding them what they’ve been missing.

  • Email 1: It’s Been a Long Time, [Name]
    Personalize it with their name to remind them of your relationship.
  • Email 2: This Is Your Last Chance
    Create urgency to act before they lose out on something valuable.
  • Email 3: Get [a Benefit] and a Big Discount Too
    Offer a discount or incentive to re-engage.
  • Email 4: Attention [Type of Niche Members]
    Speak directly to their niche to re-establish relevance.
  • Email 5: This Is a Bribe
    Be playful and upfront—make them an offer they can’t refuse.

5. Conversion Sequence: Time to Seal the Deal

Your audience is warmed up—now it’s time to turn interest into action with a conversion sequence. This one’s designed to handle objections and drive them toward your irresistible offer.

  • Email 1: Did You Know? [Some Interesting Fact]
    Start with a fascinating fact to capture attention and lead into your offer.
  • Email 2: Is Your [Object, Personhood, etc.] at Risk?
    Agitate their fears about not solving their problem.
  • Email 3: Your [Type of Problem] Solved
    Present your offer as the solution they’ve been searching for.
  • Email 4: Imagine If You Got [Specific Result]
    Paint a picture of success and the impact your solution will have.
  • Email 5: Here’s an Irresistible [Type of Deal]
    Close with a limited-time offer that’s impossible to ignore.


You’ve got everything you need to create email sequences that not only get opened but actually convert. Remember, your email list is an asset—each sequence is a way to nurture leads, build trust, and bring in clients who are ready to work with you.

Now it’s your turn. 

Try these subject lines and sequences, and watch your email engagement soar. Hesitation is costing you, but with the right strategy in place, your emails will finally start working for you.

Looking for more?

In my Visibility Builders Society, I walk you through creating the right micro-offers and leverating other people’s audiences to grow your email list with warm leads ready to hear about your offers. The best news? You do it without paid ads, launches or posting on social!

Ready to get started? Click below to join the Visibility Builders Society.


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