With so many free and paid offers one is bombarded with regularly, it’s easy to get confused about (or overwhelmed) which offer is the best one to meet your potential clients where they are at. If you’re trying to educate your target audience on random things and sell something generic that most people don’t want or sound like every other offer, it will be hard to get clients consistently.

Sure, maybe they need it but unless it’s positioned as something THEY WANT… no amount of educating them into submission is going to help. A coaching program is a big investment, and your ideal client wants to make sure they’re making the right decision by working with you.

This blog shares three reasons to help eliminate confusion and gives you the steps to increase the likelihood that they will sign up for your offer.

Reason #1: Potential Clients Can’t Tell How It Works

Most online coaches can’t describe how their program works in a simple and easy-to-understand way which can lead to confusion and frustration in the client’s mind. They focus on the benefits they deliver instead of breaking it down in Layman’s Terms and can result in a lack of conversions. (Lucky for you… there’s a simple fix.)

Reason #2: Potential Clients Can’t Tell What’s In It for Them

In the midst of their program ramble, it’s common for coaches to forget to explain the benefits of what they do. Meaning – how is the investment going to pay off? Again – this needs to be clear, simple, and relevant to your ideal client and not anyone and everyone who could potentially benefit from your expertise.

Reason #3: There’s No Incentive to Move Forward Now

With a so-so offer, most calls (if they actually get to a sales call) end with: “Can you send over more information?” “Let me talk to my spouse.” “I just need to think about it and get back to you.” The potential for ghosting just increased. If you do hear back, it will be months (or years) before they actually invest.

But there is a simple language tweak you can make to add urgency. To clarify, this isn’t creating false scarcity or lame countdown timers on your website or salespage. Here’s the first step to flipping the script. And good news – you can address all three reasons clients don’t buy above with these adjustments. This is key to making your offer irresistible.

Step #1: State your offer in ONE sentence that positions their greatest desire against their greatest pain.

Here’s a simple framework you can use to guide your writing: Value Statement Template: “I help you _________ (result) in _______ (time) without having to _______ (thing you don’t want to do).”

PROTIP: Your value statement framework can be used in a variety of places including the banner image of your website, social media bios, live video and podcast intros and even when you introduce yourself at a networking event.

Step #2: Describe HOW that will happen in 3-5 “pillars.”

Make sure you don’t describe the how in more than five pillars or you will confuse potential clients. The key here is to clearly name each aspect of your program based on what it does / what it actually is. Don’t go inventing “cool” sounding words or industry-specific lingo. Then…when you describe each pillar mention the specific problem it solves.

Here’s an example for a health coach:

“You’ll also get my 60-day healthy eating guide which means you never have to guess what to make next (or buy) for lunch.”

That’s far from perfect, but you get the idea. The key phrase to bridge the thing and the result is “which means.”


“A person will become a client when you offer them a solution to their own problem.” 

Step #3: Make Sure You Understand Your Client’s Pain Points!

Have you ever watched a webinar or clicked an ad only to discover you have 5 minutes to make a decision to invest or the offer is gone. Good news – you don’t need to add false scarcity or invented urgency to get your clients to buy now. All you really need to do is fully understand their pain. In order for you to be able to do that— you need to have an ideal client and know what their problem is so that you can clearly communicate how you’re going to solve it using your professional training.

IMPORTANT: PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO BUY HEALTH COACHING OR ENERGY HEALING just for the sake of it. So stop trying to sell your professional title to anyone and everyone. 

People will absolutely pay for a way out of their own pain.

But if you don’t know what their own pain is, you’re stuck educating them on random things that they don’t care about (like Holistic Nutrition 101) and that’s why you won’t be able to get clients consistently. As a coach, you want to be sure that your offer is clear, concise, and enticing to potential clients.

In this post, we outlined 3 reasons an offer can confuse or bore a potential coaching client- and how you can correct them. We also provided a simple template for writing an irresistible value statement. To make the most of your offers, be sure to keep your ideal client’s pain points top of mind. When you solve an urgent, dire problem and tap into it in your offer, clients will buy. It’s really that simple. Does it take work? Yes, and it’s worth it.

Now it’s up to you to take action…

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