As an online coach or service-based entrepreneur, you’ve probably been told that posting on social media is the key to getting clients. But if you’re spending hours trying to crack the algorithm and still feel like you’re not making progress, you’re not alone. The truth is, relying only on social media can feel like shouting into a crowded room—and there are much better ways to attract the clients you want.

Instead of stressing over your next post, let’s walk through 29 proven ways to bring new clients to your business. These strategies will take you from easy, quick wins to more long-term approaches, but they all have one thing in common: they work.

Start With Your Current and Past Clients

  1. Offer additional services or upgrades to current clients.
    Your easiest clients to sell to are those who already know, like, and trust you. Reach out to your current clients and offer them an upgrade or a complementary service. For example, if you offer group coaching, see if any of your clients are interested in a VIP 1:1 session for more personalized support.
  2. Follow up with past clients.
    Some of your best potential clients are those you’ve worked with before! Reach out to past clients to see if they need any additional help, or if their circumstances have changed. You can say something like:

Subject Line: Miss working together?

Hey [First Name],

I was just thinking about you and wanted to check in! How’s everything going? I’ve launched a [new service/offer], and I think it could really help you with [their challenge]. If you’d like to catch up, I’d love to hop on a quick call. Let me know!

[Your Name]

  1. Reconnect with leads who didn’t purchase.
    We all have those potential clients who were interested but never followed through. Don’t let them fall through the cracks! Follow up with a friendly message like this:

Subject Line: Just checking in, [First Name]

Hey [First Name],

I wanted to circle back and see if you had a chance to review the [package/service] we discussed. No rush, but I’d love to help you [insert benefit they wanted]! Let me know if you’d like to chat more.

[Your Name]

  1. Send a one-time offer to past clients or leads.
    People love a deal, especially if it feels exclusive! Reach out to past clients or those who didn’t convert with a limited-time offer to test the waters. For example, you could offer a discount or a bonus for signing up before a certain date.
  2. Hold a flash sale.
    A flash sale creates urgency and can bring in clients fast. You can tie it to a holiday, business milestone, or even your birthday, and offer a limited-time discount or bonus for 24-48 hours. Just be strategic about how often you do this—you don’t want to devalue your services.
  3. Offer an incentive instead of a discount.
    Not into discounting? No problem! You can offer added value instead. Throw in a bonus coaching call, an exclusive resource, or access to a private training. It’s a great way to incentivize new clients without cutting your rates.
  4. Create a “recommend a friend” offer.
    Encourage your existing clients to refer others by offering a reward or bonus when they recommend someone who signs up. People love sharing great resources, so make it easy for them to spread the word!

Ensure Your Online Presence Is Ready to Shine

  1. Perform an online audit.
    Before you start promoting or making offers, let’s make sure your online presence is working for you. Ask yourself these questions:
  • Is it clear what I do and who I help within 3 seconds of landing on my website or social profiles?
  • Do I have an easy way for potential clients to book a discovery call or get in touch?
  • Are my calls-to-action (CTAs) clear and compelling?
  • Does my website or social media need a refresh?

A quick audit can help you identify areas to tweak so your potential clients can find exactly what they need and take action.

  1. Optimize your social media accounts for success.
    Even though social media isn’t the end-all-be-all, you still want your profiles to be optimized. Update your bio to clearly state who you help and how. Use Instagram highlights to showcase your services, and pin a post on Facebook with details on how to work with you. Make sure there’s a clear link to your sales page, landing page, or booking system so it’s easy for people to take the next step.

Generate Leads Through Smart Processes

  1. Add an automated booking system to your website.
    Make it as easy as possible for people to book with you. Adding a tool like Calendly or Dubsado’s scheduler to your website means potential clients can book a call in just a few clicks.
  2. Offer free discovery calls with a clear outcome.
    Discovery calls are a great way to build trust and show potential clients how you can help them. But don’t just leave it open-ended—let them know exactly what they’ll get from the call. For example, “On this call, we’ll create a roadmap for [their goal] and I’ll show you how we can get you there together.”
  3. Write an eBook.
    An eBook that solves a specific problem your ideal client faces is an excellent way to build trust and authority. Offer it as a free download in exchange for their email, and then nurture them through an email sequence.
  4. Create an in-depth guide.
    Take a problem you know your clients face and create a detailed guide to help them solve it. Offer the guide on your website or as a lead magnet, and follow up with a nurturing email series that leads them to your paid services.
  5. Develop a free tool or resource.
    Creating a free resource like a checklist, template, or tool that solves a problem is a fantastic way to attract new clients. Just make sure to capture their email when they download it so you can stay in touch.
  6. Perfect your client process to increase referrals.
    Happy clients are your best marketers! Review your client process and make sure you’re delivering a stellar experience from start to finish. Then, don’t forget to ask for testimonials and referrals once the project is complete.
  7. Offer templates or micro-offers on platforms like Etsy or Stan Store.
    If you have a template, workbook, or small digital product that solves a problem, you can sell it on platforms like Etsy or a Stan Store. But here’s the key: don’t just throw products up and hope for the best. This works best when you have a strategy in place—make sure your product is aligned with your audience’s needs and offers a clear, valuable solution.
  8. Use email marketing to nurture leads.
    If you haven’t started building your email list yet, now’s the time! Use your freebie, challenge, or guide to grow your list, and then provide regular value through your emails. This builds trust and keeps you top of mind when they’re ready to buy.

Attract Clients Even If You Don’t Have a Big Audience

  1. Partner with affiliates or referral partners.
    Don’t have a huge audience yet? No problem! Partner with someone who does. Find businesses or individuals who share your ideal clients and offer them an affiliate deal to promote your services. This is a win-win and can bring you tons of leads.
  2. Create a listing for your services.
    List your services on platforms like Gumtree, Etsy, or Fiverr. This can help you reach a broader audience and find clients who are looking for exactly what you offer.
  3. Borrow an audience through collaboration.
    Partner with a business that has the same target audience and do a live event or co-interview. It’s a great way to get in front of a new group of potential clients while providing value to their audience.
  4. Network online and offline.
    Whether it’s attending virtual networking events or joining in-person meetups, networking is still one of the best ways to build relationships and find new clients.
  5. Participate in Facebook groups.
    Join Facebook groups where your ideal clients hang out. Focus on providing value, answering questions, and building relationships—this can naturally lead to new clients over time.

Get More Clients by Making More Offers

  1. Package your services.
    Make it easy for clients to say yes by packaging your services into clear, outcome-based offers. Whether it’s a 6-week coaching package or a 3-month program, clients are more likely to buy when they understand the value.
  2. Offer an intensive or power-hour session.
    Clients love quick wins! Offering a power-hour or intensive session that focuses on solving one specific problem is a great way to introduce new clients to your services.
  3. Create a course or group program.
    If you’re ready to scale, consider creating a course or group program. It allows you to serve more clients at once, and you can always upsell 1:1 coaching after the program ends.
  4. Revamp your services guide.
    Is your services guide or media kit up to date? Revamping your services guide with fresh copy, testimonials, and clear pricing can help convert more leads into paying clients.
  5. Interview past clients on your social channels.
    Live interviews with past clients serve as real-time testimonials. They allow potential clients to see the results you deliver and get a feel for what it’s like to work with you.
  6. Host a live training or free challenge.
    Live trainings and challenges are an excellent way to build trust and authority. Whether it’s a 3-day challenge or a live Q&A, this helps you engage with your audience and create a seamless transition into paid offers.
  7. Host a webinar.
    Webinars allow you to deliver tons of value while showcasing your expertise. The best part? You can make them evergreen, running them on autopilot to consistently attract new clients.

By using a mix of these strategies, you’ll create multiple ways for clients to find and work with you—without having to rely on social media alone. Whether you’re reconnecting with past clients, creating a new lead magnet, or collaborating with other businesses, these 29 tactics will help you consistently attract new clients and grow your business.

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